Why Infante ultrasonic gun cleaners!
Infante™ has revolutionized gun cleaning by employing ultrasonic technology. This is very similar to the technology used to thoroughly clean heavy-duty automotive parts or delicate medical components. There are others who employ ultrasonic methods to clean guns, but Infante was the first and is made specifically for firearms. Here are ten key reasons to choose Infante ultrasonic gun cleaners!

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Infante invented the ultrasonic gun cleaners you see today - no one was manufacturing ultrasonic cleaners designed to clean gun parts in a safe and effective way. Infante wondered why and developed a ultrasonic gun clean & lube process with proprietary ultrasonic gun cleaner solution. Every other system you see on the market today is an attempted copy of Infante’s original concept. For over 20 years under the name Crest, GunCleaners, and Sonic System Sales, Greg Infante perfected the technology but has now positioned the latest products and technology under the Infante brand.

Being a licensed gun dealer since 1978, 30 years Class 3 & 10 years 07 MFG, Infante knows guns inside and out. It was his knowledge, experience, and more importantly his and others need to clean large volumes of guns that led to the development of ultrasonic gun cleaning.
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An Infante ultrasonic gun cleaner is designed specifically for guns - unlike other brands that sell re-purposed ultrasonic cleaners originally developed for cleaning other products. Infante gun cleaners are only intended to ultrasonic clean gun parts!

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Infante Tough Tanks™ are precisely welded and made to last being constructed of heavy-gauge stainless steel, not lightweight steel or plastic that others use. Tough Tanks are deep enough to accommodate baskets that hold guns upright so the particles removed from the gun parts cleaning do not settle back on gun parts during the process and are sized specifically to accommodate volume of guns, not engine parts, medical equipment or other items!

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Only Infante™ uses Suspension Baskets; deep, stainless steel baskets in which gun parts sit vertically allowing more room for effective ultrasonic cleaning and maximum cavitation development under the basket. The baskets go from suspension to drain position which allows liquids to conveniently drain back into the tank while you examine your gun parts.

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Infante’s frequency-tuned generators convert electrical energy to sound waves tuned specifically to the proper frequency which, in turn, deep ultrasonic cleans gun parts at a microscopic level. Infante was the first to determine which frequencies work best for gun parts and their units, making them the fastest and most effective ultrasonic gun cleaner on the market!

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Infante developed Sonic Tonic™, a biodegradable, Prop 65 Compliant, non-hazardous ultrasonic gun cleaning solution. It is more efficient than the harsher chemicals because it was developed with the environment, shooter safety and effective ultrasonic gun parts cleaning in mind. Others use chemicals that are either not environmentally-friendly, don’t work well, or have no real track record. Infante has millions of gun parts ultrasonic cleaned & tested with their solutions.

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Infante’s Sonic Lube™ is a Prop 65 Compliant moisture displacing gun parts metal protectant. Ultrasonic lubrication is a required part of the Infante gun cleaning process that uses the tanks ultrasonic energy to displace trapped moisture that may remain from the gun cleaning process and leaves a light protective shield on the gun parts. The same deep gun cleaning frequency and cavitation that worked to clean your gun parts, will force metal protectant into every assembly and protect the gun parts inside and out.

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Infante’s EvenHeat™ Ultrasonic Tank Heaters optimize heating efficiency. Infante™ heaters are made of high-grade industrial components, not like the cheap ceramic others use which place intense heat in a small area and frequently burn out. The EvenHeat™ heater's have a much larger surface area, providing uniform heat throughout the ultrasonic tank and makes ultrasonic cleaning of gun parts easier and faster!

Consultative customer service – others in the ultrasonic gun cleaning industry have little knowledge of how ultrasonic gun cleaning truly works, let alone an understanding of guns and how ultrasonic cleaning relates to gun parts cleaning. They are merely resellers of re purposed technology. Infante™ not only consults on the best solution to a gun cleaning problem, but works alongside you to be certain everything is in order – and stays that way!